
Which of These Topics Interest You Most?

Which of These Topics Interest You Most?

As part of our 25th year anniversary, we are launching Good Advice Over Coffee, an opportunity for a small group of like-minded cause champions to gather over a cup of coffee once a month to discuss topics that are key to our work together to advance community causes. We'll discuss matters that are in Project Partners' areas of expertise but we recognize that we'll learn as much from the conversation as anyone. We can't wait!

Take an Attitude of Gratitude

Take an Attitude of Gratitude

A recent client success reminded me of the importance of gratitude and personal follow-up when unexpected generosity occurs.  Last year, one of our private school clients received an unexpected $5,000 gift through North Texas Giving Day (NTGD). They were thrilled, but also pleasantly baffled, because the donors lived out-of-state, and no one on campus knew anything about them.

Reciprocate the Relationship

Reciprocate the Relationship

I presented the "Marketing and Communications for Fundraising & Development" module for the CFRE review course last summer, sponsored by the Dallas and Fort Worth chapters of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). Much of the emphasis of this particular module is the concept that our marketing and communications for fundraising and development must be donor-centric, but what does that really mean?