Clayton Youth Enrichment to Celebrate and Educate Staff at Back to School Kick-Off Event

Clayton Youth Enrichment (CYE), Tarrant County’s largest provider of on-site after-school programs, will kick-off the 2022-2023 school year with an event to celebrate and educate CYE program specialists, site coordinators, and area program managers. 

Project Partners will serve as the consultant and project manager to help plan and execute the Back to School Kick-Off event. Our team will coordinate with CYE staff to plan and orchestrate the day, date, time, location, theme, elements, and special features. We will see to event details such as invitations, graphic design (provided by Project Partners), logistics, a detailed agenda, activities, speakers, decor, food/beverage, promotional items/give-aways, visual tools, hand-outs/materials, photographer, A/V, scripts, and vendor coordination. We will help organize registration and check-in plus set-up/tear-down, as well as monitor the event budget and vendor payments. We will also coordinate VIP considerations, including board member participation.

As we like to remind executives, splendid events require meticulous planning, execution, and follow-through and are never a one-person job!